Hello, BONEHEADS! It’s been a while, eh? School has been exhausting the majority of my time, leaving me unfortunately unable to tend to my ghoulish needs, as I’ve been too busy finishing up my first semester’s final project, which you can see here! It’s my first multi-media 3D artwork, and not to thumb my suspenders too much but I’m quite pleased with how it turned out.

However, I had to make sure I updated at least once before Hogarth’s birthday, which I consider the last weekend of January. My boy is three years old! It’s fitting that this momentous occasion should be the Official Launch of Hogarth-Hangedman.com. Hooray! It’s website. Major props to the talented and only mildly malicious Marissa of the delightful False Edge, running on the same software.

I’ve still got a few things to futz around with in the interface, but after the whole “female presenting nipples” debacle it’s a comforting feeling to have a reliable, relatively aesthetically pleasing home for Hogarth.

As for further updates, I’m sorry to say that I’ll be only getting busier from this point on. However, as always, I will be using as much of my free time and energy as I can to work on this comic. I’m very happy with the direction it’s going and I hope to increase my output this year, as much as is possible while in a full time program.

Thank’s for reading children see you soon